About the Organization
A federally qualified community health center providing high quality patient-centered care regardless of ability to pay.
Neighborhood Family Practice has Physicians and Family Nurse Practitioners who serve the entire family, offering a variety of services to meet our patient's needs. Care at NFP is delivered by a team of professionals that includes Nurses, Medical Assistants, Nurse Midwifes, Patient Advocates and Mental Health staff.
In 2013, NFP provided 14,404 patients with quality medical care for people of all ages, same-day appointments, preventative care, primary care, infant and children's healthcare, pregnancy tests, family planning, midwifery pregnancy care, women's healthcare, chronic disease management for diabetes, heart and asthma, mental health services, discounted prescription drugs, lab testing, nurses available by phone, wellness education, 24 hour access to NFP's providers.
NFP serves a primarliy medically underserved population--50% are on Medicaid and 23% are uninsured. 36% of patients are Hispanic with 20% speaking Spanish as their primary language.